April 14, 2023

Katelyn + Marcus | A Spring Golden-Hour Session at Port Oliver

Weddings Engagements

Last week was tough for photography, but this week has redeemed spring pictures for sure!!  When Katelyn mentioned doing her engagement session at Port Oliver, I knew it would be amazing.  And it was!!

I’ve known Katelyn since she was a little girl, and I’m thrilled for her happiness.  She’s always been a beautiful young lady, and the sweetest soul.  We all know when we see a deeper smile, a peaceful heart, and eyes that twinkle with happiness.  It’s quite hard to explain in words, but we know it when we see it.  And to see these two together is to see that unexplainable that I’m talking about.

Like so many couples, Marcus and Katelyn met at work; in their story it was Kitchen Collection.  In fact, Katelyn sat in on his interview several years ago.  They worked together for quite some time and then found that they respected each other.  When you work with someone, quite often you get to know what they are really like.  You see how they react to tough times, how they persevere when things go wrong, and how they celebrate success.  You learn if they are really a kind person, and how they treat their colleagues.  Most of us put our best foot forward in public, but if you are around someone long enough you start to learn if their inside matches their actions.  And when you see a sweet soul and personality, you appreciate it.

Katelyn and Marcus, I wish you both years of joy, and I hope you never stop looking at each other the way you do now.  Your life is about to change in terrifying and wonderful ways that leave you feeling like you are on the edge of a cliff, but also on the top of the mountain.  Hang on and enjoy the twists and turns that life takes. And meanwhile, I’ll be watching for those gorgeous wedding photos from sunny Florida, and I’ll always be cheering for your success.  Love and blessings,  Pat


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