January 30, 2019

Kayla+Jeremy | A Winter Maternity Session

Weddings Engagements

She found him leaned over the bathroom sink, staring down at the two pink lines in disbelief. “What does this mean?” he asked holding the pregnancy test up.   He knew what it meant, but he just needed to hear the words.  She was in shock too, but she couldn’t help but giggle just a little at the look on his face.

Kayla and Jeremy have been married five years and they really wanted a child. But they eventually determined it just wasn’t the right timing or it would have already happened. Kayla put the baby thoughts away and enrolled in classes again. And that’s when they got the surprise of their life. Jeremy went and bought two more boxes of more expensive tests just to be sure, and every single test confirmed their incredulous news! They were having a baby!!

Even though I would not consider myself one bit of a grinch in any season, as I listened to this excited couple, both my former students, tell about how they found out they were having a baby, my heart just kept growing until I thought I might wipe a tear. What a blessing that I get to share in these moments with so many couples that I love and have known since they were literally just little kids themselves. Watching their lives and stories unfold through the years is nothing short of amazing.

Kayla and Jeremy, I know you will be the best parents ever. Just listening to your excitement, and even more,  knowing the salt of the earth couple that you are tells me that this child is blessed before he takes his first gulp of air and snuggles in for a lifetime of love. Thank you for allowing me to take these pictures and most of all for letting me in on a few minutes of your story. Love and blessings, Pat


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