March 5, 2019

Lawson -3 Months | Time is Flying


Baby Lawson, with his head full of hair and his precious little smile, wins the heart of every person who sees  him. He even won over his big sister Kylar, who had previously reminded her mom and dad over and over that SHE was the baby.  However, she quickly figured out was that being the big sister didn’t change how much she was loved one bit.  That’s the best thing about our hearts, as life changes they can always expand to love one more.  It seems like just yesterday that this little bundle of joy was born.  I read Bekah’s text twice when she said it was time for three month pictures. How on earth can it be that three months have already passed??

Lawson was a Black Friday baby, and perfect from day one. And I think one of the sweetest gestures ever was when Jordan and Bekah came home from the hospital and stopped by Cal Turner to bring him to see Mema before they even went home. She told me over and over, “Jordan just walked right up and laid him in my arms.” If Mema was touched by something, she’d talk about it many times because she couldn’t remember who she had told what. She was so thrilled with this newest little boy who made her a great-great grandma three times over. Lawson will not remember her, but I know that he will grow up knowing her from our stories and from seeing the pictures of her holding him, including the one made at Christmas, less than two months before she passed. If I could say one thing to anyone with little ones; take them to see their grandparents often. Sometimes it’s a sacrifice of time and energy when you might rather be at home in your pjs. But no one ever says, “I spent too much time with them.” when they are gone. We always wish we had spent more. I’m so proud of Jordan, Bekah, and the other grandchildren in our family for the love and time they shared with Mema and with all of us.

And just like with Mema, Lawson brings us all such joy. He’s a little bundle of happiness. Why wouldn’t he be? He has tons of family to dote and love on him constantly, and a sweet sister who has figured out that he’s ok and loves him fiercely. Other than one moment when he decided he was hangry and instantly let us know, Lawson handled his outfit change and being stuffed down into props like a champ. What you can’t see in these pictures is that Kylar had the teapot set and had lined the cups, saucers, and plates in a straight row between Lawson and me. For her, it was just playtime with an occasional interruption to get in someone’s lap and smile or kiss her brother until the flash went off and we said good job. I think her little tea part happening all around him helped because Lawson was very interested in what she was doing. I could not be more thrilled with his sweet expressions and how his pictures turned out.

If you haven’t already figured this out, I adore little Lawson, and our whole family is smitten with him. While I don’t know if he will ultimately be the Atlanta Braves fan that his daddy is, I’m sure that he will be given every opportunity. What I’m most thankful for is that he has a mom and dad who will give him the love and comfort of a family home. Every child deserves and needs security and consistency. My prayer is that little Lawson always loves life, learns from mistakes as he grows, and has a true character and sweet spirit. And I hope he always knows that like the other little ones in our family, he has his own huge fan club, always cheering him on with every part of his life.                                Much love, Pat


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