May 18, 2020

Molly | A Fun Senior Session in Southern Kentucky

Teens Seniors

Oh it’s been a while friends. I didn’t even realize how long it’s been since I wrote a blog…. like TWO MONTHS!! Molly’s session was the perfect one to get me back into the groove. To be honest, I was a little nervous about this session. I did a mini for her last July when sunflowers were in bloom. I was so happy with how they turned out, and I kept thinking – “How can I top those sunflower pics???” Scroll to the bottom to see a few of my faves from that session.

So let’s simply say that she’s a tad photogenic. Just a little – really a lot!! When you add that she is beautiful inside and out… well you have a recipe for a photographer’s dream. Sometimes, I get so sidetracked that I have to have someone be a timekeeper for me, or I end up shooting way too much with the first outfit. All that being said, I think I controlled myself most of the time, and we managed to get four locations in Molly’s extended session – and we even had some daylight left. And that’s even after I turned one street too quick coming back from Fountain Square Park and was quite upset thinking that BG had built something in front of the pedestrian bridge. LOL – Sometimes I don’t know how I get from A to B. It used to bother me how directionally challenged I am, but I’ve given up worrying about it. It’s just who I am. I turn down wrong streets, and usually can’t remember which way to turn until I’ve been somewhere a hundred times.  And in this case, a thousand times.

Molly – is just amazing. I’ve watched her from when she was a stinking cute little girl playing softball all the way through JEBMS, and then high school. I’m sure her family would agree that it’s been three blinks and a nod – and she’s all grown up. I was thrilled to photograph Molly’s session thinking that she was a senior this upcoming year, but I was even more impressed when I found out that she graduated a year early! It’s always a good sign when someone has their act together and knows what she wants in life, even when she’s still in high school. WKU – here she comes – and I can’t wait to watch how Molly continues to chase her dreams. One thing we know, good things come to those who work for it – and Molly isn’t afraid to do just that.

MOLLY – I’ve LOVED photographing you the last few years. Your beauty, smarts, and kind nature is such a sweet combination. I know your family is so proud of you, and I am too! I wish you nothing but happiness, blessings, and success. You truly are golden.
Love and blessings, Pat
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I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we did Molly’s sunflower session.  Here are a few of my faves from that session!!

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