October 14, 2024

Hailey + Ben | The Thomas House, Horse Cave, KY

Weddings Engagements

When the after effects of a hurricane blow through the day of your wedding, you have to pivot in a major way.

And that’s just what Hailey, Ben, and their family did to make this wedding at the Thomas House in Horse Cave happen.  It turned out perfect.  The way the house transformed in just a few minutes from a wedding site to a reception site was nothing short of amazing.  It all happened because there was a concrete plan for who was doing what and when.  What’s amazing about plans is that they can change on a dime.  Hailey messaged me earlier in the week to say that the forecast called for some rain, but they planned to go ahead with an outdoor ceremony.  Then just a day or so before the wedding, another message came through, “We are NOT having the ceremony outside.”  And so the next set of plans took shape.  With the endless help of family of course.  What seemed to be an end, ended up being a story of perseverance, and a focus on what was important.  Hailey and Ben got married.

These two are such a perfect couple.  Ben is the calm to Hailey’s exuberance.  She is the spark to his easy going.  It’s a fantastic combination for sure.  If it’s true that all things in life are best in a balance, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the epitome of that.  And in addition, they both work hard, love their family and friends with great appreciation, and recognize the gift they have been given in each other.  And if you just read the previous sentences, you’ll not be surprised that Hailey held up her ring hand as they were leaving in the rain and announced to the world, “Y’all I am MARRIED!!!”  And Ben smiled really big.  They are married in heart, soul, and on paper too.

I was honored to photograph your wedding!  To reconnect with childhood, lifelong friends was priceless to me.  Memories that hadn’t crossed my mind for a bit flooded through my mind, and it was such a sweet trip back in time.  You two are beautiful inside and out, and I wish you a lifetime of glue and joy.  I wish you glue to fight together in the tough mountains that you will certainly be climbing and the valleys that seem too deep to cross.  And I wish you a joy that steals into your heart when you look at each other years from now, and joy in the little things of life that we know are really the big things.  And always I wish you sunshine in your souls.               Love and blessings,  Patricia

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